Register to Participate

We offer free in-class and virtual programs on energy literacy and energy efficiency that include activities, student discussion and interactive games. Students receive a kit with energy-efficient products for their families. A Home Energy Worksheet accompanies the kit. All of our Think! Energy programs are provided at NO COST to schools and provide classroom funds for each participating teacher. 

Now registering for fall 2024 and spring 2025. 

Bright Kids – Students in grades 2-3 put a spotlight on energy resources and efficiency with a story and puppets. A great science and literacy connection. Register below. Learn more.

Take Action – 4th-6th grade students learn to be the energy efficiency expert at home! This program reviews resources and teaches about circuits, insulators and conductors. Register below.

Innovation – Middle and high school students learn how to efficiently accommodate their high-energy lifestyles! A presentation focused on heat transfer is designed for science classes, while social studies classes discuss the economics of energy. Register below. Learn more.

Take the first step: Registration is open.

Begin registering by choosing your grade band below. You will be placed in the first program available in your area. IF you prefer a specific semester, note that on your registration.

Please note: At this time, we provide Think! Energy Take Action! programs and kits for fourth- to sixth-grade classrooms in both the spring and fall semesters. Bright Kids for grades 2-3 and Innovation for grades 8-12 are primarily offered in the fall, but limited supplies of materials are available for spring.