
Educators, you can quickly and simply register your high school students to participate in the Innovation Energy Education Kit Initiative!

Register an entire grade, your entire school, or just your own classes. Either way we can’t wait to work with you!

  • Eligibility is limited to 9th-12th grade teachers and students
  • Your school must be in the Ameren Illinois service territory
  • Choose to paricipate in the Initiative in either the spring or the fall

FAQs about signing up for the Innovation Energy Education Kit Initiative:

When can teachers enroll?

Teachers and students can enroll in the Initiative during spring and fall semesters. If a program has been filled, we will offer to secure your spot in the following semester.

Enrollment is easy.  Follow the link above, fill out the registration form, and an Educational Service Representative will contact teachers to verify the information and set up deliveries of teacher materials and Innovation Kits.

How can other teachers I know enroll?

Please share this website and Initiative information with other high school teachers in Ameren Illinois’ service territory! Teachers and administrators may register by clicking the link above.  After your school’s eligibility is determined, an Educational Service Representative will contact teachers to verify the information and set up deliveries of teacher materials and Innovation Kits.

What are teachers saying about the Initiative, who have participated before?

It was a great presentation and a great way to inform students on ways to conserve energy. -Peoria School District Teacher

It is excellent and worthwhile to participate in. -Granite City High School Teacher

I would tell [other high school teachers] about the great content of the presentation the quality of the presenters and how nice the energy kits were. -Murphsyboro High School Teacher

The information was very informative. -Lovejoy High School Teacher

It was nice to have fresh faces deliver content to the students. The content was directly applicable to everyday life and was appropriate for a physical science class, even though we have not covered our unit on energy yet. -Benton Consolidated High School Teacher

Easy to work with to set up, quick and painless presentations, great kits for all families to use. -West Frankfort High School Teacher

The presenters and presentation were excellent. I plan on participating in the program every time I can for the benefits of my students. I teach at a small rural school and these types of programs make a huge impression on the students at my school. -Zeigler-Royalton High School Teacher